Thursday, November 18, 2010

Petpeeves & Possible Solutions

1. Getting Stuck in Traffic
-There should be a team made up who focus specifically on clearing up traffic as fast as possible. A skytrain should be built from Chilliwack to Vancouver. That would cause less traffic on freeways and lower pollution.

2. Construction near Schools causing traffic
-Construction should during the hours when people are trying to get to and from school. For example, 7:30-8:30 and 2:30-3:30 there should be no construction!

3. People who form groups in the hallways
-They should go elsewhere.

4. Trying to find rides places
-There should be transit 24/7. Also, there should be a skytrain going from Chilliwack to Vancouver. That would mean less commuting and less pollution.

5. Trying to find a job
-there should just be 1 list of all places that are hiring which is constantly updated. It would make things a little bit easier.

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