Friday, December 17, 2010

Martha Stewert

-very determined
-grew up poor
-did babysitting and lots of jobs to make money for college
-recognized that if she did modeling she could make alot more money
-worked very hard to get an education
-did alot of modeling to fund her college
-her family noticed she did not sleep much... doing alot of stuff was her way of relaxing
-fell in love with andy
-married him within a year... she became martha stewert
-her parents were not thrilled that her 19 year old daughter was married
-martha dropped out of school to live with andy. she worked as a model to help him get through law school
-she dropped all of her aspirations to become a house wife
-after a european trip, creating a european lifestyle was her new dream
-she went back to finish her degree
-she liked to transform her sourroundings
-signed on with Kmart
-there is always a sacrifice for a  good business... in marthas case it was her family
-she lost the man she loved which caused a huge void in her life
-people made parodys of her

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