Friday, December 3, 2010

College INC.

  • clifford calls himself an educational entrepreneur
  • invests in colleges and turns them around, making a bundle of money
  • wrote a book 'how to run a college if youve never been to one'
  • took over Interamerica college in 2009... the economy is changing so kids are more likely to go to school
  • cheaper online courses are looked down apon
  • studies have shown that students have done better in online courses because there is no place to hide.. everyone has to hand in everything and participate
  • spend alot on advertising
  • spend the same amount or more than multimillion companies such as Tide
  • industry relies on a group of sales people
  • sales people go to people searching for jobs to get them interested in the university
  • sometimes the sales people focus on the number of enrollments instead of quality students
  • some sales people have been known to use illegal forms of recruiting
  • "the pressure is to create a high-education-quality"
  • rumors of enrollment couselors being very pushy and pressuring
  • enrollment counselors were told to 'dig deep and get to what is bothering them so they can tell them why getting a college degree will solve their problems'
  • ray campbell was incharge of getting students student loans
  •  many have been told that it wouldn't be a problem if they couldn't afford the student loans but in the end, they are put deep into debt with high interest rates
  • 95% of students are supposedly able to pay off their loans

  • CDI
  • Valley School of Beauty
  • Utopia
  • Art Institute
  • DeVry
  • Academy of Learning

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