Tuesday, December 14, 2010

famous entrepreneurs

Donald Trump by Colin Alberts
-created a personal brand for himself which really paid off
-known for real estate

Richard Branson by Evan Edlund
-founder of Virgin Group, 350 companies
-$8 billion in sales
-212th richest person in the world
-started his first successful business venture at age 16

Herb Kelleher by Adam Hack
- CEO of Southwest Airlines Company (retired in 2001)
-mom was his best mentor
-business partner: Rollin King

Orville Redenbacher by Brad Smith
-known for his popcorn
-enjoyed school and was always a positive guy
-started with a popcorn stand and made it big
-his dad was his mentor

Rockefeller by Rachel Huizenga
-net worth 1.4 biullion dollars
-married Laura Spelman
-known for Standard Oil

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