Friday, December 17, 2010

Martha Stewert

-very determined
-grew up poor
-did babysitting and lots of jobs to make money for college
-recognized that if she did modeling she could make alot more money
-worked very hard to get an education
-did alot of modeling to fund her college
-her family noticed she did not sleep much... doing alot of stuff was her way of relaxing
-fell in love with andy
-married him within a year... she became martha stewert
-her parents were not thrilled that her 19 year old daughter was married
-martha dropped out of school to live with andy. she worked as a model to help him get through law school
-she dropped all of her aspirations to become a house wife
-after a european trip, creating a european lifestyle was her new dream
-she went back to finish her degree
-she liked to transform her sourroundings
-signed on with Kmart
-there is always a sacrifice for a  good business... in marthas case it was her family
-she lost the man she loved which caused a huge void in her life
-people made parodys of her

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

famous entrepreneurs

Donald Trump by Colin Alberts
-created a personal brand for himself which really paid off
-known for real estate

Richard Branson by Evan Edlund
-founder of Virgin Group, 350 companies
-$8 billion in sales
-212th richest person in the world
-started his first successful business venture at age 16

Herb Kelleher by Adam Hack
- CEO of Southwest Airlines Company (retired in 2001)
-mom was his best mentor
-business partner: Rollin King

Orville Redenbacher by Brad Smith
-known for his popcorn
-enjoyed school and was always a positive guy
-started with a popcorn stand and made it big
-his dad was his mentor

Rockefeller by Rachel Huizenga
-net worth 1.4 biullion dollars
-married Laura Spelman
-known for Standard Oil

Friday, December 10, 2010

Conrad Hilton

-learned the value of heard work
-his wife was the backbone of the family
-his wife was quiet and he was loud
-he had a winning attitude and a pride to succeed
-worked for his father at the general store
-the basic principles: the buyer should get a deal, the seller should get a profit - somewhere in between is a fair price
-1910, he was 22
-one of 8 children
-the general store had expanded
-his father became a wealthy, wellknown merchant
-his father expected his son to continue to work for him but they clashed to much... conrad was not treated as an equal partner
-with lifesavings of $5000, 1919, he was adament about pursueing his life as a banker.
-as he was about to buy a bank the seller changed the price. he was frustrated so he went to the hotel
-he noticed that the hotel was doing really well so he decided he was going to be a hotelman instead
-he bought his first hotel for $40,000
-his hotel was a success
-he began to buy more hotels in different locations
-he bought hotels that were fixer-uppers and were going downhill for cheap
-created the slogan to sum up his business psychology "minimax" meaning minimum price for maximum service
-had 3 sons with his wife
-age 40, the depression put him into ruins. he lost everything but 1 hotel
-he barely saved his last hotel. he made his $40,000 lease payment by promising a company that he would continue to buy from them as long as he was in business
-hilton emerged from the depression with a "rock-solid reputation"
-his hard work took a toll on his marriage, his wife filed for divorce
-great strategy: when people are fearful, they will take anything
-he took advantage of the fear of invasion by japenese on the west coast so he bought luxurious properties at great prices
-communism was against hilton
-he felt his hotels put him on the front lines on the battle of communism
-his son died at age 42 of a heart attack which hurt him
-at 87, he married Francis Kelly
-1978, at the age of 91 he died

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

-the scientist had to create an adhesive that would alow the paper to stick together but come apart easily
-took  many years to create
-created by Spencer Silver 
- Silver developed a new adhesive, but it was even weaker than what 3M already manufactured.
-it stuck to objects, but could easily be lifted off.  
-it was super weak instead of super strong. 
-Arthur Fry was singing in the church's choir.  He used markers to keep his place in the hymnal, but they kept falling out of the book.  Remembering Silver's adhesive, Fry used some to coat his markers.
-the markers stayed in place, yet lifted off without damaging the pages.
-developed his product because of the feedback from his patients
-wanted to develop something to make outdoor activities much more entertaining and enjoyable
-was hoping for the product to be taken to its maximum potential
-he is a urologist
-product is called the uroclub
-cleverly camoflauged as a golf club but is also a resovoir for pee
-has a towel which drapes over ur privates to cover them while you urinate
-the uroclub is not a functional club
-created by Dr. Floyd Seskin
-$25,000 for 51% of the company
-one of the sharks saw it as a gag gift
-sold for $24.95
-costs $8.23 to manufacture
-over $70,000 in one year
-most of his business comes through the web
-invested $300,000
-12,000 of inventory
-one shark was out because he didn't know how to market it
-another shark was out because she couldn't relate to the product
-one shark could not see the product being useful
-one shark did not want it in his portfolio
-one shark offered $25000 for 70% and he took it because he knew the shark would make the product a big success

key learning:
  •  think outside the box.
  • recognize problems and create a solution you can benefit from
  • sometimes it is better to let someone else (who knows what they are doing) take control so that your company can grow

Friday, December 3, 2010

College INC.

  • clifford calls himself an educational entrepreneur
  • invests in colleges and turns them around, making a bundle of money
  • wrote a book 'how to run a college if youve never been to one'
  • took over Interamerica college in 2009... the economy is changing so kids are more likely to go to school
  • cheaper online courses are looked down apon
  • studies have shown that students have done better in online courses because there is no place to hide.. everyone has to hand in everything and participate
  • spend alot on advertising
  • spend the same amount or more than multimillion companies such as Tide
  • industry relies on a group of sales people
  • sales people go to people searching for jobs to get them interested in the university
  • sometimes the sales people focus on the number of enrollments instead of quality students
  • some sales people have been known to use illegal forms of recruiting
  • "the pressure is to create a high-education-quality"
  • rumors of enrollment couselors being very pushy and pressuring
  • enrollment counselors were told to 'dig deep and get to what is bothering them so they can tell them why getting a college degree will solve their problems'
  • ray campbell was incharge of getting students student loans
  •  many have been told that it wouldn't be a problem if they couldn't afford the student loans but in the end, they are put deep into debt with high interest rates
  • 95% of students are supposedly able to pay off their loans

  • CDI
  • Valley School of Beauty
  • Utopia
  • Art Institute
  • DeVry
  • Academy of Learning

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mr. Poncho

-created it because she needed a solution for a problem she had...
-they look like they are very passionate about their company
-seeking $50k for a 25%
-a device for keeping the mp3 player safe and prevents the earphones from getting tangled
-costs $3 to make and sell for $18
-did not do any future research in regards to the manufacturing costs
-they did not have the patent for the middle part of the device so many sharks were out because of that

Pork Barrell Spice RUB (Shark Tank)

-They are asking for a 10% stake in their company for $50 000.
-their product is all natural
-they have a great product but it is unknown so the key is mass distribution
-they need to market their product
-1 shark dropped out because they arent full time-devoted
-they believe that their company is worth half a million
-they are negociating 10% off with a pig costume
-in the end, they settled on $50,000 for %50 of the company

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mr.Levi Giesbrecht

  • whenever you do something you should ask yourself 'why?'
  • runs marathons as a hobby
  • when i am starting to get tired of running i tell myself "suck it up levi, your'e investing"... investing to be healthy in the future
  • local business man
  • owns SpruceLand and Spa Utopia
  • "I love to create something from nothing. It drives me."
  • what does it mean to be successful person may be different from what a successful entrepreneur is.
  • if u are going to embark on a bussiness it's going to be very exhausting, exhilerating, and stressful at times. be prepared to play many roles, ones ur good at and ones ur not. if you are going to acheive alot there is going to be a price you will have to pay... friends, health, etc.
  • you have to start thinking ahead
  • to be successful you dont need to be more charasmatic, smart, energetic, or creative than others. you just need to be determined and be capable of answering the question 'why'.
  • "remember, the real world is constantly changing"
  • if you are going to go on a venture the first thing you should do is lie down and go through the process in your mind and try to imagine what it will look like.
  • "your mind is your best tool. a really relaxed mind is a really efficient tool."
  • ask yourself "how many ways are there that i could do this?"
  • partners can be relaly good or really bad... if they aren't aligned or on the same page then it won't work out.
  • don't do something you don't like... it will be hard to sustain if you are not passionate about it.
  • "you learn alot from reading"
  • spa utopia is a people-loving business.
  • "be humble. dont pretend to be more than you think you are or it wont serve you well."
  • "always be prepared to do the lowest job there to set an example."
  • "create  pleasure in the work place. find ways to have fun. much of every individuals life is spent at work. if its a fun job people might work for less and be loyal to you."
  • "invite corrections. don't find it insulting. learn to let things go."
  • become financially literate.
  • live in your margin. keep your money and reinvest it in your business.
  • concentrate on being exceptional in what you offer and the money will come.
  • make sure half ur world isnt devoted to 1 thing.