Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kelly Johnston

-"whatever the mind can concieve and truly believe, it will acheive."
-"people dont care how much you know until they know how much you care."
-stick with people who will support you, and not suck energy out of you
-"success is a journey."
-"you determine what you're worth"
-"you are your boss"
-Focus on what you want, what you want to acheive, and why you're doing it. Picture it in your mind. Worry about the how-tos later.
-sourround yourself with the right people, people you share with. These are people that you share your vision with. Make sure that they are part of the success.
-No matter what you do, always create a win-win situation. if you take advantage of somebody then they will not be around for you when you need them.
-"When you are looking at goals, you shouldn't look at the speed bumbs"
-think big, always think bigger
-if you try to skip steps then you will fall down
-there is no quick way to get rich. you can make it on your own

EXCERCISE: a year from today, how do you want your life to be?
I love being able to drive everywhere on my own, instead of asking my parents for rides everywhere i go. I love my car. I make alot of money from my nail business and its going really good. I was a lot better at snowboarding this year.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Alan Martin

Alan Martin is the CEO of Campus Book Rentals. This is a genius idea. It allows students to save money by renting out textbooks, instead of purchasing them for $200 or more.
- "You can win them over with great prices and unbeatable service--but eventually, they graduate."
-"You need to offer a great product at a price that doesn't cut into the Mountain Dew fund."
-"I've seen business owners try to act cool, and it [costs them] their credibility. It's best to [be yourself] rather than try to send the message, 'Hey, I'm cool, I'm hip.' Because, like it or not, they'll decide what's hip."

His website is

Young Entrepreneurs

Evan Williams (Twitter)

 -users shape the system
 -"follow the hunch"

Larry Page/Sergey Brin (Google)
 -hires go-getters, no formula
 -what you think is best

Monday, September 27, 2010

College Hunks Hauling Junk/College Foxes Packing Boxes

I believe this is a great idea. It puts a fun spin on moving, which can be a nuissance. I like the humor that they've incorporated into it. I like how it isn't one-sexed. Although the girls aren't wearing inappropriate outfits, they are still being exploited which I do not agree with. Other then that, I believe it's a great company! I would choose this company over a regular moving company anyday.


-Create a free thinking/hangout culture
-kept expanding to different clients (adults, kids, grandparents, colledge students)
-is effective with campaigning
-valued to be approximately $15Billion or more
-makes money through advertising

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Rockefellers

Goal in life: to make $100,000.
It was not about the fortune he made, but the fortune he saved.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Every Problem is an Opportunity for a Creative Solution

Open your eyes to problems.

Problems... "Bring 'em on!"
-Intersection of your "skills, market need and passion"
-Willing to fail...make a resume of failures.
-Build relationships... for the long-term.
-Prioritize. (One page business plan) and re-evaluate constantly
-Teams. Make everyone else successful. the more you give-- the more you get!
-Never miss an opportunity to be Fabulous! Do my BEST work Now!
-You control your attitude (MBA story.... it won't fix your problem)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Arnold Swarzenegger

Who is Arnold Swarzenegger?
He is an icon. He was born in 1947. He is known for his passion for body building and acting. Not only that, but he is a very clever business man. Arnold Swarzenegger is very determined, smart, and always has a "Plan B". He won Mr. Universe, Mr. Olimpian 7 times, Golden Globe for Best New Actor, and named Internation Star of the Year. He is an inspiration.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Be Discerning

It's important to be discerning. What does it mean to be discerning? It means to have a good sense in judgement, to be perceptive and sharp. It is the ability to assess your sourroundings.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Very Successful Entrepreneur

Richard Branson
-dislexic (can't process things properly, read)
-owns many little companies -risktaker
-owns Virgin Mobile and all of the Virgin companies
-has children
-uses money to create new jobs and tackle issues around the world (alternate fuels) instead of buying extravagant cars
-is 56 years old-25 billion, 55,000 employees-was knighted by the queen
-"If you have the right company with the right people, all you have to do is inspire the people."
-"If you can run 1 company you can run any company."
-has his own island
1. How you treat others counts
2. Courage: Willness to put yourself at risk
3. Value added
4. Leap into the unknown
5. Willing to serve others
6. Calculated risk
7. Pick on someone bigger than you
8. Look for companies that lack value for dollar.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Who am I?

I'm Katie. My favorite things to do are snowboarding, icehockey, and socializing. I enjoy carpenty and art as well.

My core strength areas are:
Adaptability - the ability to live in the moment
Empathy - the ability to sense the emotions around you
Ideation - one that is fascinated by ideas
Positivity - one that is generous with praise, positive outlook in situations
Relator - one who is thrilled by turning strangers into friends
Self Assurance - self confidence

I am an "Artisan". Artisans want to be where the action is; they seek out adventure and show a constant hunger for pleasure and stimulation. They believe that variety is the spice of life, and that doing things that aren't fun or exciting is a waste of time. Artisans create much of the beauty, grace, fun and excitement the rest of us enjoy in life.


Face the Wave

What is “Face the Wave?”

“Face the Wave” means to embrace challenges, instead of avoiding them.

So what?

In order to “Face the Wave”, one must take steps which will lead to accomplishing a goal. There are lots of things you could do, things like applying for jobs, taking classes, or getting involved.

Now what?
Now that you have put in the time and effort, it’s payoff time. If you have taken the right steps and made the right decisions then you will be rewarded.